Category Archives: Sparkle

Laugh and Laugh and Fall Apart

Podcasts I enjoy

Seeing how I enjoyed many other View Askewiniverse  Podcasts I decided to give Tell ‘Em Steve-Dave a chance.  The show features Walt Flanagan, Bryan Johnson and Brian Quinn.

Walt Flanagan is a long time friend of Kevin Smith. He runs Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash, a comic book store in Red Bank New Jersey. Bryan Johnson is also a long time friend of Smith.  He was in charge of the Secret Stash in California and both men have appeared in numerous Kevin Smith films.

My initial listening turned me off to these two guys. I don’t know what it was, but I turned off the cast before finishing it.  Then I heard that Kevin Smith would be producing a television show called Comic Book Men.  It features Johnson, Flanagan, Ming Chen and Mike Zapcic.  After watching the first two episodes of edited conversation by the two principles I decided to give the podcast another shot.

Flanagan is enjoyable on many levels. He has a level of morality that is admirable and at times confusing. In one episode he is giving Johnson a hard time about his drug use.  A preceding episode featured Flanagan talking about how he would purchase an action figure from a store and return an inferior one from the same set to the store in order to turn a profit.

His laugh is infectious.  At first it was off putting, but it really grew on me.  It is sincere and open. To put myself on a personal psychiatrist’s couch what is probably most endearing to me about it is that he seems to use it often.  While I find many things amusing it takes some doing to get me to laugh.

Bryan Johnson plays the role of introverted malcontent, rather it seems that way at first.  When he gets comfortable during the cast he is very interesting.  I find his voice to be similar to Mosier’s from Smodcast and it melds well with the other voices.

When I started listening to the Podcast it was from the most recent to older.  Now that I have decided I like the show I am starting from the earliest point in the catalog that is available.  The third person is Brian Quinn. In the current format he has a much larger role.  He is delegated to “tech guy” for the most part in the early episodes.

If you enjoyed Comic Book Men or just want to get a dose of dorky, vulgar comedy give Tell ‘Em Steve-Dave a shot.

The second Podcast that I am listening to regularly is Hollywood Babble On. It features, yes you guessed it Kevin Smith and Ralph Garmin.  It is a podcast that has a format of bits that are done every week.

Shit that Should Not Be is probably better there in person (yes they have a live studio audience). It highlights mistakes in movies that shouldn’t have made it by editors. One that always stands out is a scene in Wildcats where a black player runs andgets tackled but Woody Harrelson  gets up from the ground.


And then nerd nirvana when it comes from Star Wars


And finally, at least from me, Belloq eats a fly


This was a wedding at Cana sort of introduction to the show because it is not the best part.  Ralph Garmin is a master impressionist.  He does all sorts of voices.  Here are some of my favorites.


David Bowie-


Al Pacino-


The Govenator-


And his greatest Ed Wynn-


They have many other bits.  I enjoy 90 percent of what they do.  They often bring me to laughter so this one is here to stay.  Everyone can use more laughing.  The main issue for anyone would be vulgarity and how you feel about Kevin Smith.  He really seems to shine when interacting with Ralph Garmin.  They have a great back and forth.






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Posted by on 03/21/2012 in iJon, Sparkle


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Bill Hicks

“He had a lot to say, he had a lot of nothing to say, we’ll miss him, we’ll really miss him”-  Eulogy by Tool

Bill Hicks passed in 1994. He was one funny and insightful man.  Tool dedicated their 1996 album Aenima in honor of him.  He was very outspoken and I find myself thinking as much as laughing at some of his material.


The link is Not Safe for Work-

I was scouring Youtube for some of my favorite Bill moments and I think this one illustrates his commitment for standing up against the status quo as well as some insight into how thoughtful he was- angry, but extremely thoughtful.

I wonder what he would make of our current political mess?  I know what it makes me think of…





Posted by on 02/12/2012 in Sparkle


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Louis CK

I need to laugh more so this section, Sparkle, is going to highlight things that make me laugh. I have always enjoyed stand up, but for the last 10 years or so I have not watched too many comedians.  Louis CK is one of the few I have watched.

He is a special guy.  Check out this link

Here is the gist of it- Louis CK put up a comedy special online for $5. He wanted to cut out all of the extra costs that he could.  He ended up with one million dollars in sales in 12 days.  He decided to share his money with charity and his staff. He pretty much divided it in quarters and kept one quarter for himself and a quarter toward the overhead of the project.  Things that I have thought of someone did. I would like to believe I could do it. This man did it. To me that is special.

Here is some of Louis’ comedy



If you like that I implore you to purchase the special on line. In a time where many people are gravitating to more selfishness and less selflessness we need more people like Louis CK.

I relate to his observations of absurdity that exists in our modern world, recognizing that I can be guilty of them as well from time to time.


The mandatory Phish



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Posted by on 02/12/2012 in Sparkle


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