Monthly Archives: December 2013

Here again, faster than ever before

What a quick year. The pace of it takes me back to one of my unrealistic wishes, that for a three month period it could move as slowly as those summers as a child did.  I’ll take the current time frame, just dash it with some ether, make me feel like I belong The Bugs Bunny/Gossamer (Red Hairy Monster) cartoon.

More time for the kids, more time with my wife, more time for the kids, more time to read, more time for the kids, more time for the kids, more time to write, more time for the kids and more time to just stop, sit and think.

I’m ending 2013 on one of the best/healthiest notes in a long, long time. It is only perfect in its imperfection, but I am striving to improve and enhance every part of my life that I can.  There are some long term goals that I would love to see come tomorrow. Too bad I didn’t start them years ago. So it goes. I will start them now.

You go do the same, if so inclined. If you are not, well, what the hell are you waiting for?


2014, enter with this quote in motion in more people-


“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies-“God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”




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Posted by on 12/31/2013 in Weekapaug Groove